Since RSS plays heavy in a lot of what I do I try validation on RSS feeds sometimes but only when there’s a problem there. It’s surprising how many feeds won’t pass that validation but work just fine.
And a theme that might pass validation is only part of the question… WordPress may not validate on its own… but it works!
Guideline… if it works then don’t fix it!
]]>That would be a good thing.
If you just need to get a site running and wish to use WordPress then you’ll probably need to accept the compromises made to bring this whole system together.
One other thought I came up with after I posted earlier is…
there are a couple systems to produce static pages from a WordPress system…
One of those is the WP2Static Plugin. There’s a real challenge there. Figuring out if WordPress, a theme, a plugin, or the output of WP2Static caused a validation error.
Me? I’ll continue doing what I think I do best… helping people fix their websites while working with the other volunteers here at support!