Hi, thanks for the reply.
I was using logged out browsers on different systems, with browsers cleared.
Also, used webpagetest, loadimpact, tools.pingdom, pagespeed in FF5, ySlow in FF5, and through W3tc (in Dashboard) to verify results.
All were showing the pages as not compressed as I just got now:
from webpagetest : GZIP encode all appropriate text assets: 53/100
144.1 KB total in compressible text, target size = 76.9 KB – potential savings = 67.1 KB
FAILED – (81.1 KB, compressed = 13.9 KB – savings of 67.1 KB) – https://www.photographyuncapped.com/
I spent the entire day yesterday dealing with this. ( 6:30am-2:30am ! )
I was able to achieve sometime compression, you caught it when it was working.
I opened a CDN at Rackspace, created a container and uploaded all files, as in the FAQ, with no errors or failed transfers, nothing in the queue.
When the CDN was enabled several files on every page were not being served to the site.
Rackspace support couldn’t resolve this.
I created another container and again uploaded the files with no problems, but some files were still not being served.
If I disabled the CDN on the General Settings page, the entire site, including the ‘missing’ files, loaded fine,
but with no page compression. So, enabling the CDN in W3tc somehow stopped these files from being loaded.
I tried every combo of settings I could think of, testing with the above tools all the way.
I saved out the W3tc settings when there was a significant change.
I discovered several points:
*If I used Database Caching to Disk, I got slightly better load times, as I did with Page Cache set to Disk (basic) rather than (enhanced)
*If I enabled the CDN, at times, I eventually got the pages to GZip !!! (not sure exactly how, though) but with files missing on every page.
*If I had CDN enabled, but disabled Host Attachments on the Content Delivery Network page, I could get all the site files to load,
and at some point in my testing, I got the pages to GZip as well!!!
So then I tried this multiple times with the above tools and found that this partial implementaion of the CDN,
combined with my other settings gave me better download speeds, and occasional Page GZipping,
I discovered that all of my internal posts were now returning 404 errors, not Pages, but ALL OF THE POSTS, and Category PAGES.
I spent the latter part of the night working on this.
What ended helping was uninstalling W3tc and associated files, uninstalling Redirection,
recreating my .htaccess from an earlier version, and finally updating my Permalinks, and importing W3tc settings from a backup.
This still leaves me with only partial CDN implementation, and my pages are not showing as Gzipped this morning.
Sorry for the long post here, but it’s hard to sum up 20 hours of testing results without details ??
So, what to do know?