• Happens immed. upon Activating the plugin.
    (full text of error, below)
    Other threads have reported this error, then go “omg, can’t access dashboard!”. So in those threads, they fix the dashboard access and everyone goes home. The real problem – why w3 breaks – remains unresolved.

    line 562 in that php file is: “class W3_Config extends \W3TC\Config {”

    NOTE: I confirmed that inside /wp-content, the expected /cache and /w3tc-config folder are both there. Likewise the advanced-cache.php file. So it’s not that.

    Help please.

    W3 Total Cache Error: some files appear to be missing or out of place. Please re-install plugin or remove /home3/thor/marketing-moment.ca/ForceForGood/wp-content/advanced-cache.php.

    Fatal error: Class ‘W3TC\Config’ not found in /home3/thor/marketing-moment.ca/ForceForGood/wp-content/plugins/w3-total-cache.0.9.6/w3-total-cache-api.php on line 562

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by thorshammer.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • @thorshammer

    If you are still having problems, you need to remove/uninstall the plugin. Try to clear the cache and reinstall it again.

    If that does not help, try to remove everything in the .htaccess file surrounded by # BEGIN W3TC … and # END W3TC …

    There might be caching rules getting in your way.

    Also completely remove the wp-content/cache directory just to be sure.

    Hola como estan, ojala puedan responderme, hace 4 horas que estoy tratando de instalar wp super cache y me sigue apareciendo w3 total cache files appear to be missing or out of place. Please re-install plugin or remove /www/conexioncentro.com.ar/htdocs/wp-content/advanced-cache.php.

    el punto que tengo todo desinstalado.. y me sigue apareciendo.
    Yo habia instalado el pluggin w3 total cache, ya removi todo desde el archivo wp-config.php.

    Me podran informar como arreglar esto??


    ?Advertencia! ?La caché de WP Super Cache se rompió pero se ha soluciondo! El script advanced-cache.php no pudo cargar wp-cache-phase1.php.

    El archivo /www/conexioncentro.com.ar/htdocs/wp-content/advanced-cache.php ha sido regenerado y se ha arreglado WPCACHEHOME en tu wp-config.php. Recarga para ocultar este mensaje.

    este es el otro mensaje que me aparece!! no se que hacer



    Please note that our support is offered in English only for the moment, so if you can please translate your inquiry, we will be happy to assist you. What we have understood is that you might be facing some issues with some missing files, but in the same time you are mentioning other plugin (wp super cache) . Where exactly are you facing this issue? Have you installed more than one caching plugins? When activating W3 Total Cache you should disable and remove any other caching plugin.

    Looking forward for your reply so we can further assist and advise.

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