1. What’s the difference between the development version and present version
So far:
* Added preview feature so all cache settings can be reviewed prior to deploy
* Added minify configuration wizard (help button on minify tab)
* Added “never cache the following pages” to database and object cache
* Added minify option to JavaScript embed after <body>
* Added minify error notifications
* Added drag and drop dependency resolution for minify CSS / JavaScript groups
* Added object caching
* Added support for multiple CNAMEs
* Added compatibility with WP Super Cache fragment caching method (disk basic mode only)
* Added http compression and headers for AWS S3
* Added ignored comment stems field, with Google AdSense default value
* Added support for varnish purging
* Added Rackspace CloudFiles support
* Added native NetDNA / MaxCDN integration
* Added option to cache 404 pages
* Added changed files auto-upload to CDN
* Added option to handle 404 errors for static objects directly with the web server
* Added support for gravity forms to database cache default settings
* Added settings file import / export
* Database connection errors now return internal server (500) error response and are not cached
* Incomplete plugin installation /removal no longer generates public errors
* Unterminated string errors no longer display publicly
* Support tab improvements
* Install tab improvements
* Resolved conflicts with disk enhanced .htaccess directives insertion
* Improved browser caching support and management
* Improved directory management for disk caching methods for increased performance
* Improved handling of missing minify files
* Improved Media Library import
* Improved Multi Site support
* Improved SSL interoperability
2. How to I upgrade to the development version since there’s no option for that in the wordpress admin area?
You can’t, either remove your current plugin (take note of your current settings) and FTP to your plugins director or use /wp-admin/plugin-install.php?tab=upload
3. What happens to the htaccess hacks I have manually added when using version
Make sure they’re at the the top of the file. There shouldn’t be conflicts, but remove unnecessary / duplicate directives form your code if you have time.