I found (Divi builder was spinning endlessly) the solution from two users above solve the issue for me
——————–PArt 1 solution——————
rossanino (@rossanino)
5 months, 2 weeks ago
The solution that worked great on my website (lianochko.com.ua) is choosing the main Divi theme in JS file management and CSS File management setting, instead of child Divi theme (Divi-child in my case) in W3 minify tab.
Step by step:
1) General Settings page –> Minify mode –> Manual
2) Minify page –> JS –> JS file management: –> Divi
3) CSS –> CSS file management: –> Divi
——————Part2 solution —————–
blreed89 (@blreed89)
4 months, 2 weeks ago
I did some extra digging on this. Lazy loading also screws up the builder loading. If you enable it, then go into the settings Performance> User Experience and then disable Process HTML Image Tags and leave Process Background Images active, the loader still works. Additionally, the suggestion from @logarank worked for me.
Currently waiting on Divi to reply to me on the suggestion from @rossanino because, from what I can see, enabling the minify options under the themes section slows down the site.
I dont know whos end this needs to be fixed on, but it would be great if it could get fixed! Im telling Divi the same thing.