• Many of your users have not made the jump to WordPress 5.X…how do we protect ourselves from the security hole?

    Will there be a version compatible with WordPress 4.9X ?


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  • I have the same problem. Many customer websites are still running on 4.9 to 5.1.x. Not all themes run on the desired high WP version for Contact Form. We urgently need a solution for deeper WEP versions. Greetings Oli

    Ich habe dasselbe Problem. Viele Kunden-Webseiten laufen noch auf 4.9 bis 5.1.x . Dazu laufen nicht alle Themes auf der gewünscht hohen WP Version für Contact Form. Wir brauchen dringend eine L?sung für tiefere WEP-Versionen. Gruss Oli

    I have the same problem. Many themes are no longer supported by the developers. I hope there will be a solution for wordpress below 5.2

    Same here. There is a temporary solution to patch manually. I have answered in another thread: 5.3.2 Vulnerability

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