• Resolved ruinous


    i like to first of all thank you AGAIN! for this awesome plugin,
    i am here to ask for something that may not be a priority for your team but it is something at least i need it. if it is possible make seeing the voting of users to comments available for admins. i have got some “users” who just start giving dislikes to all of the comments and it just make the appearance of site somehow negative.

    if it would be possible to add it on id owe you big time.
    thank you again


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  • Plugin Author gVectors Team


    Hi ruinous,
    I think this is possible. I’ll add this in our to-do and update this topic once I got some news for you. But for now you can find all necative voters using this method:
    Use Hosting Service phpMyAdmin, and execute this queries.

    To find Registered down-voters (with display names):

    SELECT u.display_name FROM wp_users as u, wp_wc_users_voted as v WHERE u.ID = v.user_id AND v.vote_type = -1

    To find Guest down-voters (with IP addresses):

    SELECT user_id FROM wp_wc_users_voted WHERE vote_type = -1 AND user_id LIKE '%.%'

    If your tables’ prefix is not ‘wp_’ please change those in SQLs.
    Also I’d recommend disable comment voting for guests or block down-voter guest IP using IP blocker plugins.

    Thread Starter ruinous


    thank you
    i did manage to find the user in question and banned them from the site using phpmyadmin.
    even if it doesn’t get added i think things wouldn’t go wrong but its a a suggestion ??
    thank you

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