Thank YOP for responding. I tested Vote Permissions with “WordPress,” “Facebook,” and “Google” using a Chrome incognito window and not logged in. Those options are turned on and their respective buttons are present as “Login with XYZ” after clicking on the “Vote” button.
“WordPress” – After making a vote, the rotating busy circles’ overlay covers the voting area. A new Chrome browser window pops up with my WordPress web site login screen. Once logged in, that new browser window redirects me to the page with the voting options with everything blank. I don’t think this is very user-friendly. The user would have to re-enter their choices.
“Facebook” and “Google” – Both of these options yielded the rotating busy circles’ overlay covers the voting area but no new window pops up.
I’m looking into a simpler way to protect the page with the poll and requires a logged-in user.