• Hello,

    I’m looking for the correct volleyball rules configuration.
    In Germany these are the rules for points:

    Winner 3:0 or 3:1 = 3 Points
    Winner 3:2 = 2 Points
    Loser 2:3 = 1 Points
    Loser 1:3 or 0:3 = 0 Points

    How can I manage it in SportsPress?

    Kind regards,

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  • Hi Stefan!

    Thanks for reaching out!

    In order to achieve this, you’ll need different match outcomes for each different points tier.

    So you’ll add a win-30, win32, lose23, lose30

    Then you can use the different outcomes in your points formula so each will have its own points.


    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter kama2k


    Hi Roch,

    Thanks for your answer but I don’t know how to realize it.
    These are my current settings:

    table columns

    Kind regards,


    The puntke formula needs to be updated. You’ll add something like this:

    Puntke = win30 * 3 + win32 * 2 + Loss23

    Then you just need to assign the correct outcome for your events and it should work fine.


    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter kama2k


    Sorry, but what’s behind the “win30” or “win32”?
    I can only select one rule for all (most5/less5 or mostsets/lesssets).

    I understand that the “win30” only select the Team with the most5 or mostsets.
    If it’s right the result of “win32” is the same.

    So what the system will calculate with the equation: “Puntke = win30 * 3 + win32 * 2 + Loss23” ?

    Kind regards,


    Thanks for your reply but I don’t get what you mean. Where do you have this:
    “I can only select one rule for all (most5/less5 or mostsets/lesssets).”?

    This is not related to other settings, this is what you’ll set as the match outcome (so instead of just win / loss, you’ll have win30, win32 / loss03, losss 32)


    Kind Regards,

    Ciao buonasera a tutti . Sono nuovo nel forum e leggendo il vostro post ho notato anche io che purtroppo che con le regole attuali della pallavolo non attribuiscono in automatico i risultati giusti ..ovvero 3 punti per 3.0 o 3.1. 2 punti per 3.2 o 2.3 per chi vince mentre per chi perde solo 1 punto ?
    Potete aiutarmi per favore ?
    Ho provato a fare le modifiche descritte sopra ma non funziona per niente.

    Hi @gsport!

    Please kindly create a new topic so we can help you:

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter kama2k


    Hi Roch,

    I couldn’t solve the problem until now so I need your help again, please:

    Manual I will input the points from set 1-3 and if necessary 4-5.
    I will also input the final result (3:0, 3:1, 3:2 or 0:3, 1:3, 2:3)

    After this the variable win/loss is “1” or “0”.
    And I can only use one condition like “Meiste S?tze” or “Wenigste S?tze”.
    So there is only one result: “1” for win and “0” for loss. The variable is always “1” or “0”. I cannot give two different results.

    Why I cannot use an “IF-THEN” condition??

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by kama2k.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by kama2k.



    Thanks for reaching out again.

    There is a conditional in the logic / mathematics sense, but not in the way you are used to (in programming).

    The problem there is the event outcome. You will not add it simply as win / loss. You should add there which kind of win / loss it was. So instead of win, you need to use win30 or win32. Same for the loss.

    Then your points formula needs to be adjusted as I’ve mentioned before:
    Puntke = win30 * 3 + win32 * 2 + Loss23

    And here you have the “if else” in the mathematics sense. IF win30 is true (one), then points equal 3. IF win32 is true, then points equal two. IF loss23 is true then points is one (true = one).

    Let me know if it’s clearer now.


    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter kama2k


    It will not work. Maybe my sports press plugin is corrupted or I’m stupid?

    Do you mean, I have to give the outcome manual?

    When I set win30, win32, loss03, loss23 the result of the variable is always:
    win30 = 1, win32 = 0, loss03 = 1, loss23 = 0

    So the result of the formula win30 * 3 + win32 * 2 + loss23 is always 3.

    And what is the different of the conditions? I can select “Standard”, “Most Sets”, “Less Sets”, “Equal” and “-“.

    Maybe you can give me some screenshots with the correct config?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by kama2k.



    Yes, the outcomes have to be manual

    win30 = 1, win32 = 0, loss03 = 1, loss23 = 0
    Are you adding two outcomes for the same team? You should add just the win outcome for the winner and the loss outcome for the loser.

    And what is the different of the conditions? I can select “Standard”, “Most Sets”, “Less Sets”, “Equal” and “-“.
    You need to set them manually, unfortunately. We can only set them to auto for simpler setups.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Roch.
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