Hello, Miranda, & welcome back to the WordPress support forum. There’s a lot you don’t tell us, i.e., your site url, your theme, what plugins you’re running, etc. Usually in situations like this we ask you to switch to a default theme (they begin w/twenty) & also to disable your plugins by renaming your plugins folder to something like plugins1 or plugins.old. If that causes the problem to go away, then we ask you to return to your original theme. If the problem recurs, then we know it’s the theme that’s problematic. If the site still works as expected, then we ask that you rename your plugins folder to its original name, but rename all plugins except 1 inside that folder to pluginname1 or pluginname.old. We usually suggest you let a plugin like Akismet retain its name, as it’s basically a core plugin & should introduce no incompatibilities. Then we visit the site to see if the problem reappears. We keep renaming plugins, 1 at a time, visiting the site after each rename, to see if the site still works. We also recommend clearing the browser cache after each visit to ensure you’re not viewing a cached version of the site. The last plugin you renamed before the site broke is the problem.
Lastly, be certain you’re logged in as admin, just to ensure you’ve got proper permissions to be accessing the editor.