• I need to get rid of the visual text editro when I write posts and pages. I work in the CODE tab and save the page and when I got back to edit it the visual editor shows first and when I click the CODE tab, it is only text without any of the code. And the text is all in one flowing paragraph.


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  • Thread Starter ethanbodnar


    So when I have returned down to another paragraph, i click back and forth between the visual and code tabs and the two paragraphs become one all put together.



    Yes this is very annoying. When the the page opens, I get a quick glimpse of the code with <p> tags in place. Then it switches to the visual editor view and blows away all paragraph tags. and I get one big block of text.

    I would like the visual editor gone but making the code editor the default might help. This has been an ongoing problem with 2.3.



    i click back and forth between the visual and code
    NEVER do that! If you know code – kill that wysiwyg animal. For good. Turn it OFF.
    admin > Users > Your profile.



    OK, but if I don’t know code and want to use it… why does it not work ?





    I am in the process of configuring a new install for a client and “MikeAtVillage” brings up a very good point!

    Personally, I don’t use the “visual” but, my client WILL use the “Visual”.

    I found this thread in search of a solution to a problem I’m having with the <!--more--> tag not creating valid code… I’m still searching.



    If your client doesn’t know html, and they just type text (content) they should NOT have any issues. Don’t you think?

    As for the “more”… I think it creates problems when you insert it in a way that breaks paragraphs.



    OK, but if I don’t know code and want to use it… why does it not work ?

    If you don’t know code, don’t put code into your content.



    Yes, but what about inserting pictures, selecting fonts, smileys etc !

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