• Hi there,

    Thanks for your great plugin, I use it a lot, it gives me great freedom to design and built my website the way I want to.

    Unfortunately I’m now having some serious problems with loading the admin widget area when I use the Visual Editor (VE) widgets on the back-end of my WP-site.
    Of course I first deactivated all plugins, except for VE. This didn’t solve the problem. It therefore looks like there’s no specific conflict with another plugin. I use the Vantage Premium theme with PageBuilder and I asked them too, but it is not very clear to them as well.

    I’m using VE as a widget a lot: at least 50 times on the site. Is this too much? In them I put other short codes, like priceboxes, buttons, maps and boxes. For every page I made a different sidebar, using Widget Areas. Although at first glance I thought this caused the slowness, nothing changed when I deactived this plugin.

    Hopefully you have an idea or solution to solve this problem. Because my whole site depends on VE, you would make me very happy if you can help! ??

    Best wishes, Martin


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  • Thread Starter mpk_1509


    In addition, this is the slug when I refresh the widget area in my dashboard: /wp-admin/widgets.php?widgets-access=off

    Maybe the problem is related to this?

    Also tried working with the Accessibility Modus Off. Dragging and dropping the deactivated widgets to sidebars worked fine, but after refreshing (which took more than 1 minute) all changes were lost. Very disappointing indeed.

    Hope you can help, I’m a little bit stuck right now.

    Cheers, Martin

    Plugin Author Marco Chiesi


    Hi Martin,
    the WordPress Visual Editor (TinyMCE) is a bit heavy to be loaded and initialized, so if you have 50 instances on the same screen, it could be the reason of the slowness. In recent versions of Black Studio TinyMCE Widget the editor instances are loaded and initialized when the page loads (old versions were acting differently, but they were suffering a lag when opening each editor instance).

    Please ensure that your browser cache is enabled. You could try with a differente browser too. Moreover you may try to turn your editor instances to Text mode and save them; it should save a bit of loading time.

    Alternatively I’d suggest a different approach: instead of using lots of sidebars, you may use plugins like Page Builder or WP Page Widget, which allows you to edit the widgets of each page separately (on the page edit scree), and avoid the overcrowding in the widgets admin screen.

    Thread Starter mpk_1509


    Hi Marco,

    Thank you for your quick reply. I only work on this once a week, so that’s why my response is so late.

    Loading the admin widgets page is still very slow. Fortunately when the page is loaded, working on it doesn’t slow things very down anymore. Recent times all made changes weren’t lost too after refreshing, so that’s nice.

    Altough I don’t have very much technical knowledge about the benefits of caching, I followed your advice on caching and installed the QuickCache-plugin. This works fine for the front-end. Didn’t see any changes on loading on the admin/back-end. Maybe there’s something for that too?

    I’m afraid I have too many visual editor widgets on all my widget areas. Editing them on every single page separately – as you said – can be the solution. I’m afraid I don’t have enough time to realise this though, because I have to go live in the next couple of days…

    Again thank you very much. Despite this I really enjoy working with the widget very much, it brings me a lot!

    Plugin Author Marco Chiesi


    Hi Martin,
    when I talked about cache, I was referring to browser cache, not server-side cache. Caching plugins (which operate server-side) are great for performance improvements but they only work on the front-end, as they provide static version of the front-end content, but the back-end can’t be static-ized.
    If you have many editor intances all in the same admin page, the browser has to load multiple times the same objects related to the editor, so it’s important that caching is on (as it is normally). You may take a look at the “Network” panel of your browser dev tool, so that you can see what’s going on when you load the page.

    Thread Starter mpk_1509


    Hi Marco,

    Thank you for your reply. I’m getting the point of the different kinds of cache now, thank you :-). As you said, I looked at the chrome dev tool to check out the network activity. There are some elements that take very long to load (1-4 seconds). Sometimes they have a 200 or 304 status, but I do not really know what that means: a little bit of lack of technic knowledge I’m afraid ??

    Maybe I can send you the log so you can take a peak?

    Plugin Author Marco Chiesi


    If some single elements take 1-4 seconds to load, I fear it may depends on poor performance of your server (or network).
    As for HTTP return codes you may find the full list here.

    • 200 means OK (item downloaded normally from the server)
    • 304 means Not modified (item loaded from browser cache locally – so it should be fast).

    You may contact us privately to send the log, but I fear this goes beyond the scope the plugin.

    Hello Marco,

    one of my customers informed me that their widget section is getting quite slow. I started to investigate and found this thread. It seems that the amount of editor widgets is indeed effecting the page load quite dramatically.

    You said that if there are more than 50 instances it can get slow. It seems that my customer has almost 100 editor instances (loading widgets page takes about 60 seconds). When I delete instances page loading gets better. Just wondering though why it was changed so that all instances are loaded on page load? Performance wise it would be much better to load tinymce only when the widget is opened.

    I actually installed older version 2.1.0 and it loads way faster (In 2 seconds instead of 60 seconds). The lag you mentioned is hardly noticeable when opening editor widget. I would not like to use older version of the plugin though. Also moving to Page Builder or WP Page Builder is not an option at this point.

    Any thoughts?

    Yes I have couple clients with sites that have a lot of pages and the widget page takes a long time to load now also. I would second the notion to have the widgets load up when there used and not when the page loads as well. Was much better than having to wait for it all to load when the page loads and slow everything down. Thanks for a great plugin but it would be better not to have to wait. Could you think about changing it back or maybe a button under settings to let people decide not sure how much trouble that would be though.


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