• Hi folks,

    I’m running into some strange behavior on a WordPress site I’ve created for a client.

    The client will be using the Visual Editor to make content updates to the pages on the site, but it’s not using P tags at all, even when it should.

    Blocks of text separated by hard *ENTER* returns look fine in the visual editor, and the “path” indicator at the bottom of the editor window indicates it’s using P tags, but it certainly isn’t using them when it outputs the content into the template.

    Has anyone run into this before? I know many people complain about the visual editor removing EXTRA P and BR tags they’re trying to insert, but my installation isn’t using or inserting them AT ALL.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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  • Me too. Fucking annoying… I was hoping this problem would go away with 2.8 but it’s still here.

    I’ve heard something about TinyMCE not being compatible with Safari on Mac and thought it might be that. However, I’ve just tried Firefox (3.0.11, Mac) and, again, no <p> tags.

    I can’t believe people aren’t making more of this – there is no way I can hand a WP installation over to a client when something so simple is broken.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    TinyMCE doesn’t add the paragraph tags because WordPress is supposed to do that at display time. That’s what the wpautop function is for.

    What goes into the editor is what gets stored in the database, and we don’t want to store P tags in the database unnecessarily.

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