To summarize the most common problems and solutions for the visual editor:
1. Compression is enabled on the server. If it’s set properly (in php.ini) the compressor for TinyMCE would detect it and not try to compress the js. To check for double compression: with Firefox, go to [your-site]/wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce_config.php. Should be a large text (js) file, starting with “var tinyMCEPreInit = …” and last line starting with “tinyMCE.init({mode:”none”,…”.
If it’s not – edit tiny_mce_config.php, looking for
'compress' => true,
change to
'compress' => false,
or if preferred, download this small plugin that will disable caching and compression when active:
2. Link and Image pop-ups are blank, don’t work or have JavaScript errors. This is usually caused by caching. Could be the browser’s cache, could be a proxy or network cache at your Internet provider or somewhere between your computer and your web site.
When a pop-up is opened in TinyMCE, it downloads separate js and css files from the server. These files are usually cached, as they don’t change often. Unfortunately some network caches check for newer files less frequently, so it may be 2-3 days before they are all refreshed.
Another possibility is if you’ve ever used SSL (https://…) to access your site and still have shortcuts with https in them. Generally your browser will be redirected to the proper url by the server, but TinyMCE gets this information from the browser, it may follow the wrong link and never find the files for the pop-up.