You can try a few things:
– Start w/ the obvious. Go to your wp-admin, your profile, and ensure “Disable the visual editor when writing” is unchecked.
– Rename your wp-content/plugins folder to plugins-old or something like that. You should then be able to determine if your visual editor is working at all. This step allows you to verify that the visual editor is working and in fact a plugin was the culprit.
– Go into Settings -> General settings and if there is a colon ‘:’ in the end of the Site URL (eg: then remove the colon.
– switch to the Twenty Ten theme to rule out any theme-specific problems.
– Make sure your WP version is up to date.
– Consider a WYSIWYG editor like TinyMCE Advanced and see if that solves things.
– Follow WP’s instructions on how to deactivate all plugins
– Try re-uploading the wp-admin and wp-includes folders from a fresh download of WordPress.
It shouldn’t come to this, but if all else fails, back up your wp-includes/general-template.php, and ensure these lines are there:
function user_can_richedit() {
global $wp_rich_edit, $is_gecko, $is_opera, $is_safari, $is_chrome, $is_IE;
if ( !isset($wp_rich_edit) ) {
$wp_rich_edit = false;
if ( get_user_option( ‘rich_editing’ ) == ‘true’ || ! is_user_logged_in() ) { // default to ‘true’ for logged out users
if ( $is_safari ) {
$wp_rich_edit = ! wp_is_mobile() || ( preg_match( ‘!AppleWebKit/(\d+)!’, $_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’], $match ) && intval( $match[1] ) >= 534 );
} elseif ( $is_gecko || $is_chrome || $is_IE || ( $is_opera && !wp_is_mobile() ) ) {
$wp_rich_edit = true;
return apply_filters(‘user_can_richedit’, $wp_rich_edit);
If not, that’s what it should look like in WP 3.5 or WP 3.5.1.