• Good evening everyone,

    This question is embarrassing to ask, but I have been stumped all afternoon. I use a self-hosted WordPress site that runs the Newspaper theme. Newspaper is one of many themes that is designed to run with the Visual Composer plugin. I am new to using VC and something is giving me trouble. Here it goes.

    I am attempting to design the “Contact” page for my website- https://www.mentalhealthsuggestions.com. I decided to use the Contact Page default template. That template has one text box in the first row and two text boxes w/ titles in the second row side by side.

    The following text is in the first box on the second row-

    Newspaper Comunication Service
    123 California St. Doargo

    (650) 123-2558 (main number)
    (650) 123-0247 (fax)

    Email: [email protected]

    I obviously want to plug in my company’s address instead of the generic one that is part of the template. But there is one problem. For me to put my address into the template it requires another line. You know, the one where you put the city, state, and zip code. Problem is that it automatically double spaces the line. So it looks like this-

    My Company’s Name
    Street Address

    City, State

    There has to be a very simple way to be able to toggle the formatting back and forth between single and double spacing but I simply cannot find out how to do it. And it is driving me CRAZY! Help!

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