I had actually created a custom visual composer module for this plugin, so when using visual composer, I can drag my module onto the page, type in a slug or ID and the type of content, and it’ll automatically write in the shortcode.
VC shortcode:
$insert_page = new FCMModule( "insert_page" , "Insert Page" , 'Embed any WordPress content on your page' , array(
new TextField('Page','p','General','Page Slug or ID', true),
new TextField('Type','type','General','title|link|excerpt|excerpt-only|content|all|{custom-template.php}'),
new TextField('Additional Classes','classes')
$mapper->map( $insert_page );
View file:
$content = "[insert page='".$p."' display='".(empty($type) ? 'content' : $type)."' class='inserted-page".(empty($classes) ? '' : ' '.$classes)."']";
echo '<!-- Insert Page Shortcode: '.$content.' -->';
echo do_shortcode($content);
Aside from that, I’d recommend giving your rows classes and then using your stylesheet to apply background colors since the “design” tab on some elements in VC generate a page-specific stylesheet that does not get inserted with this plugin.