• Please excuse my ignorance, but I am trying to understand how people’s emails and names get recorded in Word Press.

    I am aware of the ‘Settings’. I know that if I allow ‘anyone to register’, I will get many ‘new registered users’ most of which appear to be bogus email addresses. If I uncheck ‘anyone to register’ and assign ‘Subscriber’ to the ‘New User Default Role’ I get only a few ‘subscribers’ listed in the Dashboard as Users.

    So how is Word Press capturing these emails and reporting them to me without any of them, ‘new user’ or ‘subscriber’, filling out my optin or contact forms?

    Those subscribers or not subscribers by my definition of having consciously chosen to fill in one of my forms.

    How do these ‘users’ become recorded users? Obviously, they came to my site. They must do something to be recognized as ‘user’. What are they doing? How are they separating themselves from other visitors to my site that are not becoming ‘users’? Or is it that anyone visiting the site is automatically registered?

    Again, excuse my naivete. I am perplexed and don’t understand.


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  • If I uncheck ‘anyone to register’ and assign ‘Subscriber’ to the ‘New User Default Role’ I get only a few ‘subscribers’ listed in the Dashboard as Users.

    You should be getting none at all, so that would indicate you have an intruder accessing your database. You should change the SQL password at the server and update the same to match in wp-config.php, then add BulletProof Security (plugin) and begin a thorough cleanup:

    Thread Starter caperez


    Yes, I agree. But, I believe I was not clear. If I uncheck ‘anyone to register’, I get none. If I leave it checked and assign ‘Subscriber’ to the ‘New User Default Role’, I get some subscribers listed in the Dashboard as ‘Subscribers’. And, their emails look goofy.

    But, how do they do that? How do they get in?

    ca perez

    They get in through the standard registration form that’s at https://yoursite.com/wp-register.php. When you allow registration anyone (including automated bots) can use this to register a sa member.

    In your case I’d bet that it’s almost all bots that are registering. They know that the URL is standard across every WordPress installation, and they will hit it again and again to try and create new accounts, either for hacking (less likely) or for SPAM’ing links in content or comments (very much likely).

    Thread Starter caperez



    Thank you.

    That is what I was trying to understand. Thank you. I suspect that those that are getting through as subscribers are doing something similar. One or two out of maybe 10-20 look legit. The rest look bogus.

    I suspected some sort of back door approach.

    I use a plugin called Wangguard that checks for SPAM users, and that’s worked well for me in the pst. It might be worth a look.

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