• I have WP 3.1 running a MU Network. I have one primary site and two ‘sub’ sites that have been mapped. The issue is, when I’m in the Network admin area and have the list of sites, the link to ‘visit’ the sub sites is incorrect.

    So, I click on ‘edit’ underneath one of the sites in the site list (next to ‘dashboard’ and above “Archive/Spam/Delete/Visit”) and am wondering what domain and path I put in the Info settings for a sub site?

    I assume the domain is the sub sites domain that has been mapped. But what do I place in the path?

    Or am missing something else? Any help would be great.

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  • Thread Starter garychaloner


    There is also a check box that states:

    “X Update siteurl and home as well.”

    It is currently checked. Should it be?


    the link to ‘visit’ the sub sites is incorrect.

    What link is generated?

    Have you upgraded the domain mapping plugin? If you placed it in mu-plugins you will not get update notices for it.

    Thread Starter garychaloner


    Link for domain is the default site: https://primarysite.com

    Link for path shows up as the sub directory: /subdir/

    As the network sites are virtual, I know I’ve stuffed up somewhere.

    The domain mapping plugin is the current one.

    You shouldn’t have to edit or update anything after the blog is domain mapped.

    Do non mapped blogs look fine?

    Thread Starter garychaloner


    I just tried to add a new site (unmapped) and the page asked for a site address, site title and site email. The site address is linked to a sub folder directory (primarysite.com/subdir/) and this is what I’m still getting on the other mapped sites as well.

    So I’m thinking I haven’t mapped the mapped sites properly as the path for them still shows up as a sub directory folder path.

    I’ve been to ottopress etc and feel I am just one short step from having this sorted.

    Where would I go to check/adjust the network path?

    The URLs are going to the mapped sites fine — I can see and access the sites — it’s just that the link to ‘visit site’ in the admin panel is going to the subdir folder instead of the URL.

    it’s just that the link to ‘visit site’ in the admin panel is going to the subdir folder instead of the URL.

    When you use the free domain mapping plugin, the original blog address is still accessible.

    Thread Starter garychaloner


    Ah! So I shouldn’t worry about the path info in the admin panel and just manually visit the site in a new browser window etc.?

    Everything else works, it was just that when I went to visit the site from the admin area (using the Visit Site link), it went to the example.com/sub-blog/ address instead of the mapped blog’s URL.

    (Sorry for delayed reply, was called away on biz.)

    yeah just type in the domain.

    I have the same problem but I can’t access my new sites nor from the admin console nor directly.

    I am presently testing how we will import old sites into a new and improved wordpress 3.1 because we want to use the multisite features. We want to have a subdirectory structure.
    primary site:https://testms.ourdomain.ca/blogs -> that part work fine so far

    added new site: this asks for the path and when it does it give on top what your curent default is (https://testms.ourdomain.ca/blogs/) so I added only the extra subdir which makes the whole path look like this:https://testms.ourdomain.ca/blogs/testsite1

    Did this twice so now I have 3 sites:
    https://testms.ourdomain.ca/blogs -> I have access to the dasboard & site
    https://testms.ourdomain.ca/blogs/testsite1 -> can’t access dasboard nor site
    https://testms.ourdomain.ca/blogs/testsite2 -> can’t access dasboard nor site

    The error when I try to access the new sites1&2 is: website can not be found ( same behavior to access site or dashboard )

    Second issue:
    Then I tried to import an old site thinking one of the new site will be the shell for one of the old sites….but…to my surprise it does not ask where you want to import…it just does the import in the root site…which is not at all what we want…what am I doing wrong?


    I was able to fix the first problem – Needed to add in httpd.conf
    AllowOverride FileInfo Option

    I am able to get to dashboard of all my sites and I though this would also fixe the second issue – that once in the proper site dashboard, I would use the import and it would import in the proper site….nop….I ended up with my import in all the sites…what is it I don’t understand about this…????sorry being new at this it is a bit frustrating…

    Here is what I am trying to achieve: I already have two sites on different servers. I want to create a new wp env with multisites -subdirectories – import each of the old site in new site in the multisites env. and from now on be able to create new sites and import a tempate site into it – Am I right to assume this is possible?

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Then I tried to import an old site thinking one of the new site will be the shell for one of the old sites….but…to my surprise it does not ask where you want to import…it just does the import in the root site…which is not at all what we want…what am I doing wrong?

    You make the site you want to import TO and then import while you’re IN that site.

    so far I have tried many different scenarios without the expeted behavior.
    One of the old sites ( not that old – it was deployed a few months ago) in on 3.01 and it was installed with the multisites option on but no network cofnigured…I am not sure it that helps… or if I should move to verions 3.1.2 anyways…

    when I go into the site |I which to import into – I can see URL pointing to the proper site dashboard – go to tools/import – select proper export file…import successfull – I see al I want to see….but if I go to the other sites…they all have what i have just imported…all the users, all the posts….

    so – if I am suppose to be able to import when I am in the proper dashboard, then is there something I forgot to turn off somewhere so it does nto get populated to the other sites? or is it only possible if you use subdomains?

    I saw your response Andrea but that procedure scares me…I am trying to avoid it …lol…

    (tks for your help by the way:-))

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    It should not, and I’m fairly sure cannot on a clean install, be imported to more that one site on your network.

    Are you sure, in all your testing, you didn’t accidentally import multiple times?

    Are you sure you’re in the dashboard of the other site?

    I am 100% sure – This was a new setup to make sure I had not done something wrong the first time around – I looked at all the site before import – they were all empty- I also tried playing with the various configurations. According to the rules, you should, as site admin, be able to go to your dashboard and activate a plugin just for your site ( this is understood that the plugins you see at this point have not been network activated) – so, I do just that, I activate the plugin in site1 – then I go to site2 and check the status of the plugin…it was changed at the same time….so there is something going on that should not…- Can it have something to do with a bad configuration in the database or in apache…I am not sure where to look.

    At the moment I have multiple installations to test and everytime I make sure I use a different db, different table prefix but still…could that have an impact?

    I also noticed that when I am in a specific site dashboard( looking at the url is the only way I know where I am), if I make a change and then save the change, upon saving…the url changes and it goes back to the root site url….is that normal?


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