• I think I may have accidentally screwed something up when I was trying to customize my theme. The “Visit Site” button of my dashboard is blocking the “Write” tab. It’s not a big problem, but it’s annoying. This link below contains a screen capture of the misplaced button.


    Can anybody tell me which file determines where the “Visit Site” button falls and what I might have done to make it show up in the wrong place?


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  • Same happened to me. Did you solve it?

    I kinda solved it, don’t know if it’s the best way to do it, but whatever.
    In wp-admin folder I opened wp-admin.css

    #wphead #viewsite {

    and change margin-top and margin-left until the button is where you want it. This is what mine looked like when I was pleased with the position:

    #wphead #viewsite {
    position: absolute;
    margin-top: -35px;
    margin-left: 80px;

    I had the same problem with the default theme once I removed the title. The title was showing up on top of the custom graphic I put in the heading so I removed the title and “visit site” showed up on top of the “write” tab.

    So, I put the title back in the title field and just commented out the code that puts it out in the heading in the file

    Just insert !space (an exclamation mark and a space) after each < between and including the opening h1 and closing h1 tags. <! h1 etc etc

    You could delete everything between and including the opening and closing h1 tags but I commented it out in case I want to revert back.


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