Virtue/Woocommerce: how to translate Your Cart and the hover text
I can′t find a way to translate my topbar items text: Your cart (woocommerce mini cart) and the cart′s hover text (View your shopping cart)
I have 2 languages, English by default and Estonian the translation.
There are 2 items on my website`s top bar: a cart icon with a text Your cart next to it and My account.
I could translate My account page with no problems and add it to top bar menu.
But View cart and the hover text does not translate, a already tried Loco Translations, it did not work.
I used Polylang and Hyyan Woocommerce plugins for my translations and created a topbar menu for estonian language to show the pages.
Please advise, how to translate the View cart and the hover into Estonian.
Thanks a million in advance,
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