• Hi!

    Today I realised that my new site wasnt being crawled because my privacy setting were switched on.

    I disabled privacy but google webmaster tools still says that I have a robot.txt reporting

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /

    Sitemap: https://pathofmostresistance.org/sitemap.xml.gz

    So I created my own robot.txt file and put it in the root directory (public_html)but google still came back with the same error.

    I installed the Robots.txt plugin and editied the file from that and still get the same problem. When I visit

    It looks fine. I suspect that the virtual robots.txt file is somehow taking precedent over the one in my root directory. Somehow Googles bots are getting redirected their is my only guess!

    Im stuck!

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  • Currently my site isn’t being indexed by google, I receive the following message from google webmasters tools:

    “The page could not be crawled because it is blocked by robots.txt.”

    I’ve read a virtual robots.txt is generated in wordpress but when I check my site.com/robots.txt it shows “Disallow: /”

    So far I made sure my Blog Visibility under Private Settings is set to “visible to everyone, including search engines”

    No changes.

    I made a new robots.txt with “User-agent: * Allow: /”, uploaded to my root.

    No changes.

    What other options am I left with? Should I deactivate XML Sitemap Generator for WordPress 3.1.2? I don’t want to install a robots.txt plugin.

    Did you try deleting the robots.txt file?

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