• Hello! I’ve noticed that whenever a customer purchase a gift card with the official Gift Cards for WooCommerce plugin and pay using Vipps express checkout – no gift card is generated. It seems the meta data needed for the product isn’t saved to the order when paid this way. If this is something you’re able to look into at some point that it would be great.

    As a quick fix: Is there a function to disable express checkout for certain product types like this or maybe for select product IDs or categories? It seems as though the express checkout is the preferred way to pay for gift card products, but as of now it only works in the regular WooCommerce checkout flow with Vipps.

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  • Plugin Author Iver Odin Kvello


    Second question first: Yes, you can disable or enable Express Checkout per product by going to Express Checkout in the settings and set the “Enable Express Checkout for Single Products” to “Some”. On the “Vipps” tab of the product settings for each product, there will then appear a checkbox to enable or disable express checkout per product.

    There is also a filter,

    apply_filters('woo_vipps_product_supports_express_checkout', $supports, $product);

    — which you can use to return false for a given product based on its properties.

    As for the gift cards, some plugins do add metadata in the Checkout situation, where the customers contact info, address etc is available and for these plugins, supporting express checkout could be difficult. Is the plugin in question this one https://woocommerce.com/products/gift-cards/ ?

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