viewScript functions from dynamic block not available
For context, I’m running WordPress 6.4.2.
I have created a dynamic block with the following block.json content (only showing relevant part here):
}, "editorScript": "file:./index.js", "editorStyle": "file:./index.css", "style": "file:./style-index.css", "render": "file:./render.php", "viewScript": "file:./view.js" }
I have added several JavaScript functions to view.js that are later used in the block.
The script is loaded into the matching page like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="<websiteURL - redacted>/wp-content/plugins/xtradeb-launchpad-integration/build/xd-lp-package-details/view.js?ver=df18059b4cb4a722b872" id="xd-lp-package-details-xtradeb-launchpad-integration-view-script-js" defer="defer" data-wp-strategy="defer"></script>
I can browse and see the script content in the browser. However, none of its functions seem to be available and I get errors like this:
Uncaught ReferenceError: installButton is not defined at HTMLButtonElement.onclick (<post name - redacted>/:568:1336) onclick @ <post name - redacted>/:568
If instead of using viewScript, I enqueue the same file as a dependency (here I renamed the file from view.js to details.js):
wp_enqueue_script( 'xd-lp-details-js', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'includes/js/details.js', array(), '', true );
The script is loaded like this into the page in roughly the same location:
<script type="text/javascript" src="<websiteURL - redacted>/wp-content/plugins/xtradeb-launchpad-integration/includes/js/details.js?ver=4fd0f5bc13853fae144764d9c4a67c2c" id="xd-lp-details-js-js"></script>
Now, all required functions are available and everything works as expected.
Why can’t I use the block “viewScript”? Why doesn’t it work?
What is the best way forward inline with best practices?
Thank you!
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