• I found some code on your official forums somewhere and modified it so I could customize the output of my checkboxes into a hierarchy.

    For some reason though when I select “View All”, I get “No Results Found” even though there should be results. Further more, if I check two items, it only shows results from the latest item clicked and not both checked items.

    I have checked it WITHOUT this custom code and it works, so I am hoping for some official guidance on where I have gone wrong:

    function custom_checkbox_output($html,$type,$exc,$hide,$taxname,$taxlabel,$taxall,$opt,$c,$defaultclass,$formid,$divclass){
    	$eid = explode(",", $exc);
    	$args = array(
    		'hierarchical' => true,
    		'parent' => 0
    	$taxoargs = apply_filters('uwpqsf_taxonomy_arg',$args,$taxname,$formid);
    	$terms = get_terms($taxname,$taxoargs); $count = count($terms);
    	$html = '';
        if($type == 'checkbox'){
    		$html  = '<div class="'.$defaultclass.' '.$divclass.' togglecheck" id="tax-check-'.$c.'"><span  class="taxolabel-'.$c.'">'.$taxlabel.'</span >';
    		$html .= '<input  type="hidden" name="taxo['.$c.'][name]" value="'.$taxname.'">';
    		$html .= '<input  type="hidden" name="taxo['.$c.'][opt]" value="'.$opt.'">';
    			$checkall = (isset($_GET['taxo'][$c]['call']) && $_GET['taxo'][$c]['call'] == '1'  ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
    			$html .= '<label class="parent"><input type="checkbox" id="tchkb-'.$c.'" name="taxo['.$c.'][call]" class="chktaxoall" value="1" '.$checkall.'>'.$taxall.'</label>';
    		if ( $count > 0 ){
    			foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
    				$selected = $terms[0]->term_id;
    				$html .= '<label class="parent"><input type="checkbox" id="tchkb-'.$c.'" name="taxo['.$c.'][term]" value="'.$term->slug.'">'.$term->name.'';
    				$args = array(
    					'hide_empty'    => false,
    					'hierarchical'  => true,
    					'parent'        => $term->term_id
    				$childterms = get_terms($taxname, $args);
    				foreach ( $childterms as $childterm ) {
    					$selected = $childterms[0]->term_id;
    					$html .= "<label class='child'><input type='checkbox' id='tchkb-".$c."' name='taxo[".$c."][term]' value='".$childterm->slug."'".">" . $childterm->name . '</label>';
    				$html .= '</label>';
    		$html .= '</div>';
    		return  $html;

    I would appreciate your insight.

    Page is here:

    Many Thanks.


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  • Plugin Author TC.K


    You set the result div as .medlem-item wheres there are plenty of `.medlem-item’ classes in the page.
    You should choose the unique div instead.

    Plugin Author TC.K


    Ignore the previous answer, I was a mistake. ??

    Anyway, as for your problem, I didn’t see any issues that you mentioned.

    Thread Starter thewebdeveloperllc


    Yes I was able to fix the problem now. It was a rather simple mistake and easy to overlook.

    It involved changing:




    That is all it was hah! This had been eluding me for about 10 days.

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