• I finally got the videopress working on my self-hosted bhlog (although not as easily as the video would have you believe).

    Is is possible to have the video embedded on my self-hosted blog WITHOUT the option of giving the embed code to everyone?

    My videos are “member-only” and I don’t want to have them shared with the world.


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  • Currently that’s not possible but it’s something that is being considered.

    I have this same issue.

    Is there an any way I can go into the plugin code or CSS to hide the embed option. That’s all that I need to do and being a programmer it’s very frustrating knowing how easy this could be done. I’m suprised and frustrated that this is even an issue at all.

    Since it IS an issue, does anyone have any alternate solutions to videopress you could recommend?

    FLOWPLAYER solves this problem, but you’d need to transcode, upload, and embed the videos manually which is more than I’d like to ask my client to do.

    I just downloaded the flowplayer plugin for wordpress and I’m going with that. The video player embed code is just as easy as the videopress embed code. The only drawback is that my client is going to have to transcode the video to h.264 themselves which isn’t that big of a deal in my case. And that means I will be cancelling the videopress subsrciption.

    One more thing, since the video is hosted on the client’s server, there is no upgrade fee for space, so that’s nice as well.

    I have the exact same thoughts as reliantsolutions as it would be nice to control where the videos are being seen.

    Is is possible to have the video embedded on my self-hosted blog WITHOUT the option of giving the embed code to everyone?

    My videos are “member-only” and I don’t want to have them shared with the world.

    This would be a HUGE upgrade.

    It seems a few of you have been successful at getting the self-hosted VideoPress up and running, rather than using wordpress.com the paid upgrade. I have completed all VideoPress install instructions successfully from here including loading all of the WPMU utility set and testing ffmpeg:

    I’ve noticed a few things and made a few assumptions since there are no “use instructions”, only “install instructions”:

    1) I’m assuming I’m supposed to upload content using WP-Admin | Media Library. When I do this, the video uploads to the proper folder, but no shortcode is generated and the preview window says “error this video doesn’t exist”.

    2) I didn’t see anything in the WP-Admin | Plugins area. So I zipped up everything in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/video, moved the zip, removed the ‘video’ directory, and then re-added .zip Plugin through WP-Admin. Still nothing showed up in Plugins but this time it told me it was because there was no header, so I edited video-upload.php and put a header into this file. Now the VideoPress Plugin shows up in WP-Admin. I also had to ‘apt-get install php5-curl’ to get it to ‘activate’. I have no idea if these were proper steps, or if the self-hosted VideoPress Plugin is supposed to remain invisible and operate in the background.

    3) Finally, what calls these scripts to work? Is it a completed upload through WP-Admin | Media Library? At this point, I’m just not sure how to tell if I’m using the Plugin correctly or if it’s working. It doens’t seem to be doing anything. I’ve uploaded an .AVI to the Media Library as described above. Where are the media files and thumbnails stored?

    Unfortunately, there are no ‘use’ instructions in the readme.txt linked above so I’m a bit stuck.

    Thanks in advance, your help is greatly appreciated.

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