• Hello,

    Just to give you an idea of what I’m trying to achieve; I use a WordPress theme (Tuang 4) that automatically pulls an image from a post, and uses it as a thumbnail on the main page.

    You can see this here.

    I was wondering if it is possible to add code, or if there is a plugin that will do the same, but with embedded video video. So if I was to embed the video into my post, it would create an “image” of that video and use it as a thumbnail on the front page.

    I currently use the “Video Embedder” plugin to add videos to my posts.

    Note: There are a few other threads where people have asked about the same thing, but no one has even replied to say whether it is possible or not.

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  • Thread Starter chrapp


    Bumpedy bump!

    first, i know your pain, i posted a topic here too a few months ago and still no reply..

    anyway; i don’t know if that exists, but my guess would be no.
    Can it be created? sure, but it will be challenging, almost like a you-tube like automated script.

    What i would recommend to you: Use a video snapshot program to make a image of a scene from a video and upload that with the post.

    I see you post a new post ever day/couple of days, It will take 1 minutes each time, so that seems doable.

    This is how I handled the same problem.

    My photo thumbnails showed up fine, so I created an image for the video and included that before the video. Then i added the following code to the link for the image:
    style="visibility:hidden; height:0; width:0; margin:0; float:left;"

    So the resulting code for the image would be:
    <a style="visibility:hidden; height:0; width:0; margin:0; float:left;" href="link"><img src="image" alt="" title="" /></a>

    I do not think that this is the best way, or easiest way, but it seems to work. I haven’t tested it on many browsers. Only safari and firefox.

    Hey guys,

    Was just trying to do this for my client site, and I think Ryan has a good idea. Thanks for that. If you find a better please let me know

    I’m back guys,
    After trying your trick Ryan (which didn’t work for me).
    But I used the idea and got an similar solution,

    When embedding your video add a “thumbnail” to your post(it has to be a thumbnail). then in you style.css add these:

        visibility:hidden !important;

    “.size-thumbnail” being the class generated by wordpress for each thumbnail post via the “upload/insert media” at the top left corner of your post box. I only use the media library ! not NextGen or other plugins to upload images on my blog:
    You can check the class generated using firebug anyway

    Only tested in Firefox so far but it should be fine for IE
    I hope it made sense

    Ryan’s trick worked for me, at least in Safari! Thanks.

    Hi Danicahodge,
    Could you put a link to have an example

    Here is mine

    The fisrt post on this page is a video post

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