• Resolved venkmanuk


    Hi there,

    I’m planning on making a (silent) HTML 5 video run automatically – and with no controls. Sounds crazy but don’t worry – i have it under control. One problem tho…

    Autoplay isn’t working. Neither is Loop. I think i followed the codex properly:


    anything i’m missing here?

    [video width="960" height="540" loop="on" autoplay="on" m4v="https://mysite.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/promo-video.m4v"][/video]

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  • This is a theme, ce_newsite, you created?

    Thread Starter venkmanuk


    nah. another one. but yeh i made the theme.
    dunno where you got that ?? ?

    I’m talking about the default WordPress HTML5 video embed player.
    tested in twenty fourteen theme and still doesn’t work for me.

    I got that from your source code. It works in twenty fourteen?

    Thread Starter venkmanuk



    in both my theme and twenty fourteen the video embeds and player appears, just doesn’t loop or auto play. is this correct?

    loop="on" autoplay="on"

    Thread Starter venkmanuk


    no one got anything useful to suggest? :/ aaw.

    Change loop="on" autoplay="on" to loop="true" autoplay="true"

    Thread Starter venkmanuk


    hmm nice idea, thanks, but no joy. it didn’t work.
    the codex says it should be “on” too…

    tried adding preload=”auto” as well but no difference.

    … perhaps it’s a video format thing?
    i’ll maybe try that.

    Must be the format. Will this play in a browser with the correct site?
    [video src="https://mysite.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/promo-video.m4v" /]

    Thread Starter venkmanuk


    yes it plays if i press play on the controller.

    just tried webm format too – autoplay and loop still don’t work so seems not to be the format because. ??

    ok … i’ll try another website all together!
    will report back soon.

    Thread Starter venkmanuk


    Wham! it worked on another site. so it’s site specific.

    [video webm="https://myothersite.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/promo-video.webmhd.webm" loop="on" autoplay="on"][/video]

    so if i paste the embed code from my other site (site B) into this site it still auto plays and loops. Problem is, if i change the URL to the same video file on site A it won’t autoplay/loop.

    could this be a server setting for streaming media? server stuff is out of my depth.

    yes it plays if i press play on the controller.

    I wanted to know if it plays from the url like this does https://test.savethecolors.com/wp-content/uploads/1230669_415802615190928_616920211_n.mp4

    Thread Starter venkmanuk


    aaah, ok well in chrome it just downloads/plays the file. BUT –> you helped. thanks.

    anyways seems to be working now: here’s the deal.

    loop="on" autoplay="on" needs to go after the file url.

    At my test site I had loop and autoplay before the url and it worked for me. I am glad it is now working for you. What ever works!

    Thread Starter venkmanuk


    that is weird. :/

    gremlins. ?

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