Video Popup Button
I’m trying to use the advanced button block to create a button that opens a video in a popup but I want to use the block in a page header as part of a template. I will then use Advanced Custom Fields to pull in the relevant Youtube URL for that post. I’ve tried copying the HTML from the block editor into the template but when you click the button it just takes you to the video on Youtube and not in a popup. Below is the HTML I’ve tried:<div class="wp-block-kadence-advancedbtn kt-btn-align-center kt-btn-tablet-align-inherit kt-btn-mobile-align-inherit kt-btns-wrap kt-btns_228317-84"><div class="kt-btn-wrap kt-btn-wrap-0"><a class="kt-button button kt-btn-0-action kt-btn-size-standard kt-btn-style-basic kt-btn-svg-show-always kt-btn-has-text-true kt-btn-has-svg-false ktblocksvideopop" href="youtube-URL-will-be-here"><span class="kt-btn-inner-text">Watch Video</span></a></div></div>
Is what I’m trying to achieve possible?
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