Hello @gyane,
I think there’s something wrong with your server setup. In order to isolate the problem I took Tutor plugin out of the equation since it just relies on the browser to load videos anyway. Media Playback is a MP4 player and hasn’t been updated in so long it might not even load the videos through HTTPS so I definitely don’t recommend it.
If I try loading one of your video files directly, for example https://www.gyan-e.in/wp-content/uploads/sites/58/2020/05/tuor_.mp4 in a browser with a cleared cache, it takes a long time to get the video to load in Chrome and Firefox and it never seems to load in Safari. But if I try to load the video without https https://www.gyan-e.in/wp-content/uploads/sites/58/2020/05/tutor.mp4 it works fine.
If I upload that same video file to my own HTTPS-enabled server it loads fine in Safari and other browsers. I don’t know enough about server configuration to point you in the right direction, but I can unhelpfully say it’s probably not my plugin.