• Hi Stano,
    just installed your Theme Shell Lite and loving it.
    Exactly what I was looking for.
    However I’ve hit an obstacle that might force me to uninstall if I can’t get this to work…
    Here goes…
    Instead of entering a URL to a Featured Image for the Home (Landing Page) I would love to use a link to a video.
    I’ve tried various YouTube and VideoPress iframe, shortcodes, html, etc. and can’t anything to work.
    Any ideas?
    Cheers! Karl

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  • Hi Karl,

    Shortcodes and YouTube direct links won’t work, because this is simple input field.
    You could try to follow instruction from here.

    Let me know if this helps.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter Dr. Karl Ruegg


    Thanks Stanko!
    The Video is up, but it’s above the call to action.
    What did I do wrong?
    Here is the site: https://www.CoachKarl.com
    And this is the front-page.php:

    * Front Page
    * Note: You can overwrite home.php as well as any other Template in Child Theme.
    * Create the same file (name) and you’re all set to go!
    * @file front-page.php
    * @package WordPress
    * @subpackage Shell
    * @author Emil Uzelac, nofearinc
    * @copyright 2003 – 2012 ThemeID, 2013 DevWP
    * @license license.txt
    * @version Release: 1.0
    * @filesource wp-content/themes/shell-lite/front-page.php
    * @link N/A
    * @since available since Release 1.0
    <?php get_header(); ?>

    <div id=”content-full” class=”grid col-940″>

    <?php $options = get_option(‘shell_theme_options’);
    // First let’s check if headline was set
    if ($options[‘home_headline’]) {
    echo ‘<h1 class=”featured-title”>’;
    echo $options[‘home_headline’];
    echo ‘</h1>’;
    // If not display dummy headline for preview purposes
    } else {
    echo ‘<h1 class=”featured-title”>’;
    echo ‘Your H1 Headline Goes Right Here. Great for SEO!’;
    echo ‘</h1>’;

    <div class=”grid col-460?>

    <iframe width=”440″ height=”300″ src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/xwTZGRyT1cA” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=””></iframe></div>

    <!– end of .col-460 –>

    <div class=”grid col-460 fit”>

    <?php $options = get_option(‘shell_theme_options’);
    // First let’s check if headline was set
    if ($options[‘home_subheadline’]) {
    echo ‘<h2 class=”featured-subtitle”>’;
    echo $options[‘home_subheadline’];
    echo ‘</h2>’;
    // If not display dummy headline for preview purposes
    } else {
    echo ‘<h2 class=”featured-subtitle”>’;
    echo ‘Your H2 Subheadline Here’;
    echo ‘</h2>’;

    <?php $options = get_option(‘shell_theme_options’);
    // First let’s check if content is in place
    if ($options[‘home_content_area’]) {
    echo ‘<p>’;
    echo $options[‘home_content_area’];
    echo ‘</p>’;
    // If not let’s show dummy content for demo purposes
    } else {
    echo ‘<p>’;
    echo ‘Properly structured landing page is big part of the Search Engine Optimization. Shell is a hassle-free WordPress CMS Theme. All of the content on this landing page
    is fully manageable directly from Theme Options, including call-to-action button and its destination.’;
    echo ‘</p>’;
    <div class=”featured-button”>

    <?php $options = get_option(‘shell_theme_options’);
    // First let’s check if headline was set
    if ($options[‘featured_button_link’] && $options[‘featured_button_text’]) {
    echo ‘<p>’;
    echo ‘‘;
    echo $options[‘featured_button_text’];
    echo ‘
    echo ‘</p>’;
    // If not display dummy headline for preview purposes
    } else {
    echo ‘<p>’;
    echo ‘‘;
    echo ‘Call to Action’;
    echo ‘
    echo ‘</p>’;

    </div><!– end of .featured-button –>

    </div><!– end of .col-460 fit –>

    </div><!– end of #content-full –>

    <?php get_sidebar(‘home’); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    I think you have typo in your code or missed opening/closing div element. Try with this custom front-page.php template, it should do the work.

    Let me know if this would be helpful.

    Thread Starter Dr. Karl Ruegg


    Much better! Thanks Stanko, you are a genious!
    The only thing that looks weird is that the top of the text and the video are not on the same height and it doesn’t look professional because of that.
    How can I push the Video down or raise the text block up?

    You could wrap the iFrame with custom div in front-page.php. Something like this:

    <div class="home-video">
    <iframe width="440" height="300"  src="//www.youtube.com/embed/xwTZGRyT1cA?rel=0&showinfo=0&iv_load_policy=3&controls=0&autohide=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

    and to add this in your style.css:

    .home-video {
        margin-top: 35px;

    Of course you could play with numbers and you could change the class name, but I’m sure you will get the idea.

    Thread Starter Dr. Karl Ruegg


    Love it! Works great! Like I said… genious!
    Take a look: https://www.CoachKarl.com

    Just browsing the forum. Great work on that site there, coach. Looks very professional, I wish you success.

    Thread Starter Dr. Karl Ruegg


    Thanks for the kudos mpaxton! If you enjoyed my site, you might also like https://www.Small-Business-Owner.com and https://www.Start-A-New-Business.org

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