• Hi I have a wordpress theme that natively integrates KVS player. I want to switch to your player by putting the do shortcode thing in the PHP.

    here is what is in the PHP as is [flv:”.$video_file.” “.$thumb.” 640 505]’

    The theme author has tried replacing with different things. It results in your player replacing the old one but the player is unable to find the video source or the poster source.

    I have tried:
    echo do_shortcode( ‘[videojs mp4=”.$video_file.”]’ )

    I am having streaming issues with KVS player I need an html5 player please please please respond to this and help me out. What code will make the player work and get source file plus also use the posts featured image as the poster.

    – Steven


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  • Whats the output on the page? aka whats the actual short code on your page? [flv src=”locationhere” thumb=”here”]?

    DIsable their shortcode: //add_shortcode('THEIR_SHORCODE', 'their_function');

    Then as an example could use this with the shortcodes already used:

    function jsvideo_override($att, $content=null){
    		'width' => '',
            'height' => '',
            'video' => '',
            'poster' => ''
    	), $atts));
        $vid_output = '<video id="example_video_id_'.$rand.'" controls poster="'.$poster.'" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" width="'.$width.'" height="'.$height.'">';
        $vid_output .= '<source src="'.$video.'" /></video>';
    add_shortcode('flv', 'jsvideo_override');

    if you can me specific shortcode could give you exact coding to use.

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