• Hi,

    I am experiencing an issue with the Presto Player plugin.

    I have embedded videos on different pages using elementor prestoplayer module. However, I am encountering a problem where the video occasionally auto-plays upon page load, even though I have explicitly disabled the autoplay feature for this video.

    This behavior is inconsistent, as it does not happen every time the page is loaded, but it occurs frequently enough to be a concern.

    Could you help me resolved this issue? I see that I am not the only one having this issue, but can’t find any solutions already adressed.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support prajna


    @gopalji I’m sorry for the inconvenience caused. Could you please provide the correct link to the page you’re referring to? The one shared seems to be incorrect and doesn’t direct to the intended website. This will help me assist you more effectively. Thank you!

    Thread Starter Elie


    Thanks for your reply prajna,

    I see the same issue was adressed in this topic:
    If there was a solution found, maybe it will also help you in my case.

    The website being under construction: you need to log in in order to see the page:
    login URL : https://dev-esseniens.org/wp-login.php
    ID: Organisation
    Pass: 8pXDzS&WaLKu138j0TaTp

    Home page with the issue : https://dev-esseniens.org/
    Also happening on this page : https://dev-esseniens.org/decouvrir-l-enseignement/

    The autoplay behavior is inconsistent, so it is not happening everytime the page is loaded.

    Thanks for your help on this matter.

    Plugin Support prajna


    @gopalji For security reasons, please avoid sharing passwords or credentials in public forums.

    I’ve tested the provided URLs on two different devices using Chrome and Safari but was unable to replicate the autoplay issue you’re facing. Since the behaviour seems intermittent, are you noticing this happening on any specific browser or device? If so, let me know so I can test further under similar conditions and help troubleshoot.

    Thread Starter Elie


    Thanks for your answer prajna,
    The fact that the problem is inconsistent makes it difficult to resolve…
    I though you add the same request before and you might have found a solution.
    However I noticed that when I use simple video preset instead of minimal, it seems the video does not start auto. It will investgate further and will come back to you.

    Plugin Support prajna


    @gopalji It has been a week since our last discussion regarding the video playback issue, and I wanted to follow up on the progress. Were you able to conduct any further tests or gather additional insights on the matter?

    Thread Starter Elie


    Hi prajna,

    It is possible that because on the same page I have another youtube video use as background set on autoplay, it activate the autoplay on the prestoplayer video. Since I remove the background video, I don’t have the prestoplayer video autoplaying. Since the behavior is inconsistent, i am still checking on it.
    Do you think having another video on the page in autoplay could be the reason why the prestoplayer video sometime start playing?

    Thread Starter Elie


    Hi prajna,
    In the end, removing the other autoplay video from the page, didn’t solve the problem. Videos are still starting playing when page is open, but I still don’t understand why sometimes it does, and sometimes it doesn’t.

    Looking at the iframe code:
    <iframe id="youtube-8270" data-poster="https://dev-esseniens.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/nation-essenienne-video-cover.jpg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" title="Player for " width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/9KvWHaMlW64?autoplay=0&amp;controls=0&amp;disablekb=1&amp;playsinline=true&amp;cc_load_policy=0&amp;cc_lang_pref=auto&amp;widget_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fdev-esseniens.org%2F&amp;rel=0&amp;showinfo=0&amp;iv_load_policy=3&amp;modestbranding=1&amp;customControls=true&amp;noCookie=true&amp;enablejsapi=1&amp;origin=https%3A%2F%2Fdev-esseniens.org&amp;widgetid=1"></iframe>

    He see autoplay in “allow=”, would that be the pb? How to remove this “autoplay”?

    Plugin Support Ivan C.


    Hello @gopalji,

    We apologize for the delay. Could you kindly submit a support ticket, so we can respond more efficiently? This also helps our developers track and debug the issue more effectively, ensuring a quicker resolution.

    Please submit your ticket here: https://prestoplayer.com/contact/

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