Thanks MageeWP. I do appreciate your assistance! I am new to WP so am using OneTone to learn on before purchasing one of your business themes.
I have not resolved the issue, but have determined it is NOT a OneTone theme issue. I use Chrome and the “other” browser I am trying to view the website in is Safari 7.0 which apparently is notorious for issues with playing embedded YouTube videos. Logging out of WP and viewing website and the OneTone demo works fine in Chrome just not in Safari.
I am working on it now, but the solutions provided in Apple forums are not helping. I asked friends to view the site in Safari and they too have issues with embedded videos. So, solving on my browser will not be of much help if the majority of other viewers are having the same problem.
If I host the video on my own server, can you provide code that will allow the same effect in section one of the home page? This would also solve the YouTube grid at the end of the video which appears in mine but not at the end of your demo video. Thank you so much.