With respect, although you consider this very simple and obvious, and I’m not denying that it’s simple, there are a lot of different ways a plug-in like this might work and if you don’t spell it out, people may be left wondering.
Lots of plug-ins work with just the video url on a line. (This is what I assumed)
Others need a shortcode.
Yours, it seems, processes the href in a standard link. This is unusual, and deserves a mention.
Please note that the demo on your site does NOT show how the code was generated. It might be have to be generated from a shortcode, even if it’s only a link. We don’t see what you typed into the back end.
Anyway, thanks for your quick response. You might also give some thought to providing the simple installation instruction ‘put this folder in wordpress/wp-content/plug-ins’. As a dependent of SLB it might feasibly have gone in the SLB folder.
Yes, this stuff is simple, but simple stuff with no instructions can be harder than difficult stuff!