Hurrah! I can’t believe I am putting my site here! Haha.. Please tell me what you think; I know I have lots to learn! (a rather computer-illeterate fellow) =op
@arthur would you mind posting the link to the graphics site. IMHO your 5 min revamps are a dream. Really useful and very good stuff. This is a text forum but sites are visual and a picture paints a thousand words. If you had two minutes to look at my header catastrophe (lack of inspiration) Id be really grateful.
1. Soooooo confusing ….what column is what? what post is newest? where do I begin?? whats more important?
2. The colours aren’t to my taste – although I did make one of my first sites with the same colour scheme so I can’t really criticise
3. Name/time is dark grey on black which is virtually unreadable
4. Theres no sort of visual que to this site
5. font sizes are all over the placeI must disagree with you here, Arthur…
1. It takes a few seconds, but when you realise what the columns are for – well, I think that’s an extremely inventive of dividing the site, I love it.
2. Colours aren’t my favourite either, but they fit and are well done.
3. Name/time isn’t really that important, is it? I can see why you’d choose an inconspicuous colour for them (although a little lighter on the grey wouldn’t hurt)
4. What is a visual que? ??Qu??? ??
5. How so? They seem quite well-ordered to me…
A few suggestions to you, pvicnan:
1. Use something other than the swirly S-thingies for borders on the posts themselves – the effect they give is nice, but the swirly S-thingies themselves are hideous (well, IMO). Preferably something that would separate the individual posts a little clearer.
2. Move the Meta section of the menu up above the Google ads – it looks very detached, sitting all alone there at the bottom…
Other than that, I think it’s a very good layout. Very good.Just a quick wee visit before I go to bed….
Root – glad you like them – i’ll have a wee look at your header in the morning – this could be an interesting challenge.
Oisin –
1. I only worked out that one column was for a journal and one was for writing after reading a few posts – most people won’t take the time and there needs to be some sort of clear indication of whats what
2. A personal taste thing – like I say I’ve used the same colours in a site before – i’ve moved on (I’m in my light and minimilistic phase at the mo ?? ) but I can’t criticise
3. “Name/time isn’t important” well why bother having it then? – if he’s the only author and he only posts one posting a day then i’d agree that its unnecessary – but he’s chosen to have it on there so its obviously important to him at the time being
4. I’m not sure if que/queue is the word I’m looking for but what I mean is essentially a visual signal to help orientate the user on the page and with a task. A good example of the idea is the underlining of links. (An explanation thats as clear as mud ?? )
5. The ones that caught my eye were the category labels
I would agree with you (Oisin) about the swirls and I do feel that the meta data should be moved up – but personally I would put the adsense bar horizontally at the top of the pageHeader catastrophe has now been fixed. You inspired me. But thanks anyway.
Nevertheless if it could be tweaked I am still open for ideas. But maybe someone else needs a hand.Thats brighton pier isn’t it? I thought it had fallen into the sea? I love that great british sky where they grey sky merges into the grey sea….
Woah.. Thanks! Really! That image sure helped.. ^_^ Well, I’ll be off to bustle around it.. I’ll post back here when I’m done!
Haha.. a question.. How can I ‘break’ my menu up like how is shown in the image?
there are two ways – the easiest is to add an extra div so you have one div containing Blogs, links archives and categoreis and a second div with calander other and meta – the other way is to float each ul ul as a seperate block level element (fixed width) – this is a pain the @rse.
A cavaet if you do try to do a similar sort of design – be aware of the length of your menu columns – this may be an excellent place for the drop down archives/categories we were discussing with theglobalguy! (Gosh.. I feel like smacking myself.. kinda like a “DUH” moment, wasn’t it? =op)
Happens to us all mate ??
I see you’ve found the best possible solution for the Google ads – getting rid of them ??
Haha.. yeah *rolls eyes* Who was i kidding? =op Thanks for all the help!
Woah.. I just realised that I have butchered my old template! Completly! (I was using [pink lilies]) I LOVE wordpress! Haha.. I’ve learnt a smattering of php and CSS..
Well, am slowly changing the site.. trying to discover a visual scheme that would interest me.. Haha.. Btw, all hail arthuc01! AND Oisin!
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