Best regards,
Irina Sopas
]]>I’m having complaints about all pages being slow, so it is because those boxes are being load everytime in all pages, right? I removed them.
Can you test it, please? See if the problem is solved? Not only the homepage. Because my internet is good and for me the website loads just fine. I made a test it is giving me almost the same values than before I remove the boxes.
]]>First, your site is at
and not
. Please make sure you use the corrrect URL for your site!
Second, your homepage is still loading the Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest javascript assets even though they are no longer needed. You’ll need to find where those are being loaded, and remove them on every page except the one with the boxes. This will make a huge difference in page load times.
Third, you have some images in your slider that are MUCH too large. Give some thought to resizing them since loading the oversized images is wasting 350KB of bandwidth.
Fourth, try deactivating Jetpack and see if that helps. In most cases it does.
]]>Hop this helps. Once you have found a solution that you are happy with kindly tag the thread as resolved.
]]>So sorry about the wrong link. It was autocomplete and should have caught the link before the ssl certificate.
NOWWW… Thanks a lot for the help you’re all giving me because I’m really desperate.
Following your advice
When you say caching/minification is like the W3 Total Cache plugin? I have it on my website and I’m using this settings
2. The boxes (facebook etc) code are in the functions. That is why the homepage is still loading the Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest javascript assets??? If don’t how I discover where it is being load?
3. I reduce the best I could the size of the images from slideshow. The backgrounds had at least 1mb. Since I have all original vectors I can work on that in my free time to reduce the size of all website images.
4. I also disabled jetpack. I hate jetpack. The thing is I installed jetpack to get rid of plugins – contact form / cookie notice / simple social media icons. My friend told me a lot of plugins can slow the website. So it is better to reinstall those and get rid of jetpack forever, right?
My cpanel has cloudflare and I’ve an account on it but the website was not active. So I follow the cloudflare instructions and I think it went well:
STATUS ACTIVE: Congratulations! You have successfully activated Your site will now receive the benefits of Cloudflare’s performance, security and reliability features. Check out reports of bandwidth saved* and threats blocked on your account Analytics page.
So right now I think I did all you’ve told me, just need to figure out the boxes load, if anyone can help me on that.
I’ll change my site to another hosting plan because a lot of people are telling me that the servers from my hosting are probably the biggest reason for the slowness of my site, but I not understand a thing about it, what kind of service should I look for in the new hosting? I just tell them that I DON’T WANT A sup-par and/or shared hosting plan?
Again thanks for the help you’re giving me. I think the website is better, the images are loading faster. I will wait for your answears. I wish you a nice day.
Hugs for all