• Resolved 00lessio


    hi, i have a problem with the loading speed of a page with about 20 different pods blocks inside.

    The page is made with gutenberg and inside I have inserted about 20 blocks that filter the various posts starting with a specific letter of the chosen category, each post has about 10/15 custom fields (a few things, maximum one or two words for custom field), I tried setting the cache directly from the block but didn’t notice any improvement.

    Maybe I’m wrong in the configuration, could you give me some advice?. I know there can be many requests, but it would be enough to reduce the page opening times by a few seconds (now it takes about 6/10 seconds).

    What other alternatives could I try to speed up the loading a bit?

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  • Plugin Contributor Scott Kingsley Clark


    Can you provide any details about the exact blocks you are using here for Pods?

    That may give us a better picture of where things are slow and how best to suggest improving things.

    Thread Starter 00lessio



    I use 27 “Pods Item List” blocks, each one searches in the same category for posts starting with the set letter (some letters are empty so they return nothing) and then a gutena tabs block to put them all in different Tabs. In cache mode I set Object cache and expires 300, before it was set to disable caching but after activating it nothing changed so I don’t know if it’s actually working

    Plugin Contributor Scott Kingsley Clark


    Do you have an external object cache on your site? If not, have you tried installing the Pods Alternative Cache plugin?

    That’s a ton of queries on the same page (27 times maybe 3-4).

    What output are you doing for the item list blocks? What template or magic tags are you using for each there? Maybe using relationship fields a bit?

    Thread Starter 00lessio


    yes, I installed Pods alternative cache, before I had nothing other cache plug-ins but now I installed Liti Speed ??cache to see if anything changes, do you know of any good ones to recommend? for alternative cache I don’t quite understand how to set it. Yes I know there are many but I have not found other solutions, however the posts are rarely added. i use the “Pods Item List ” block always the same custom template (which puts the custom fields in a table) where i select the category (which is the same for all blocks) and the initial letter, cache mode “Object cache” expires ” 300″. the custom fields are very short like name, surname, number, address …

    Plugin Contributor Scott Kingsley Clark


    Just a few more details here would help:

    1. How many items do you have being shown across all of those 27 blocks? (Not per block but mostly the question is how many in total)
    2. In each of your blocks, your WHERE block option is filtering by category and by the first letter of the name?
    3. You are only outputting text fields and then one category taxonomy field?

    I have an idea that may help improve performance here but I’d need a better idea of how you are using these blocks. Would you be able to edit your page and look at the block code itself to copy/paste the whole block code to a reply here? Or paste that into a gist.github.com which might make it easier to look at and review.

    Thread Starter 00lessio


    In total there are 380 posts inside my custom post type, but some belong to different categories and therefore they are not all shown on the same page but a little less.
    Each post has 15 custom fields (not mandatory, therefore not all filled in), and of these 15 in the table I show only 10.
    I can’t tell you exactly how many but about 350.

    Yes the where option filters the category and the first letter of the name, like this:
    list.name = ‘Ordinary Register’ AND t.post_title LIKE ‘B%’

    Yes, the fields are text (they all contain a maximum of 1 or 2 words), date or number and more than one category, no media files attached

    <!-- wp:gutena/tab {"uniqueId":"dc07f3-b6","tabId":27,"parentUniqueId":"2ff5f6-84","blockStyles":{}} -->
    <div class="wp-block-gutena-tab gutena-tab-block gutena-tab-block-dc07f3-b6 inactive" data-tab="27"><!-- wp:pods/pods-block-list {"name":{"label":"albo_avvocati","value":"albo_avvocati"},"template":{"label":"albo","value":"albo"},"not_found":"Non sono presenti voci nell'elenco.","limit":500,"orderby":"asc","where":"elenco.name = 'Albo Ordinario' AND t.post_title LIKE 'Z%'","pagination_location":{"label":"Before and After list","value":"both"},"pagination_type":{"label":"Use basic paginate_links() native functionality","value":"paginate"},"filters_enable":true,"filters":"","filters_label":"","cache_mode":{"label":"Object Cache","value":"cache"}} /--></div>
    <!-- /wp:gutena/tab --></div></div>
    <!-- /wp:gutena/tabs -->

    you mean this?

    Thread Starter 00lessio



    hello, did you find some way to speed up the loading?

    Thread Starter 00lessio


    @sc0ttkclark hello, did you find any solution? because i’m trying but nothing works, i use divi as theme is it possible that it causes some conflict with caching plugins or pods caching settings?

    Plugin Author Jory Hogeveen


    Hi @00lessio

    Do you have a link to the page so we can see what you are loading in total?
    Did you try to debug the queries? Query Monitor is a handy plugin for this.
    And lastly, did you check performance after disabling Divi and other plugins?

    Cheers, Jory

    Plugin Contributor Scott Kingsley Clark


    I was going to suggest rewriting this in PHP but you’re using the Gutena tabs blocks there so that makes it a little more complicated to provide a PHP-centric solution.

    Have you considered having pages by letter instead of using the tabs for performance?

    Thread Starter 00lessio


    hello @keraweb , i haven’t tried to debug the queries, i’ll do some tests but i hope it’s not that because i have to use it, i think it could be divi’s cache settings, i have to try turning them off. but when I install pod alternative cache it should work immediately or is there anything else to set? this is the link, thanks

    Thread Starter 00lessio


    hello @sc0ttkclark , yes I thought about making a page for each letter but they become too many since I have five other similar ones with the same structure but which show much less data. I use Gutena only because I needed a menu that would show me the content based on the selected letter but I don’t necessarily have to use the agutena tabs, if you have a better way also with PHP I can try it, thank you

    Plugin Author Jory Hogeveen


    Hi @00lessio

    Thanks for the link. You are loading all your results at all times, this can indeed cause a longer load time.

    For some reason it does include pagination when viewing all results (not filtered by first letter). But since you have the letter filters it still queries all results (these do not use AJAX or anything).

    On the link you’ve send me I see 18 pages and each page has 20 records. So every page load will at least query for 360 records.
    That on itself is a lot and should definitely be cached statically (WP Super Cache for example).

    Besides the above, since the page also includes pagination, it could be that there are some duplicate queries on this page. You can find these using Query Monitor.
    Duplicate queries can slow your site down even more!

    Cheers, Jory

    Plugin Author Jory Hogeveen


    Hi @00lessio

    We havent heard from you anymore so I’m closing this topic.
    Feel free to reopen if you still need help!

    Cheers, Jory

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