• Plugin Author Guido


    Dear users of VSEL,

    This plugin supports the WordPress language packs (= translation files).

    If you are willing to become a Project Translation Editor (PTE) for your native language you can contact me and I will arrage this. No strings attached!

    If you’re a PTE you are able to translate strings AND approve them as well.

    You can find all Very Simple Event List locales here.

    A language should be 100% translated (and approved) before it’s available. If it reaches 100% you and other users will receive an update notification in WP dashboard.



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  • Hello @guido07111975. I would love to be the PTE for the Czech language. Any posibility of adding a compatibility with Polylang? I can’t seem to be able to make it multilingual. Thank you!

    @guido07111975, sorry, my mistake, I didn’t enable it in Polylang. The offer for translation still counts thought ?? I will upload soon the PO files in the Glotpress for a review.

    Thank you.

    Plugin Author Guido



    Great, thanks!

    As far as I know everybody with a wp.org account can translate online (click on link in my previous post) but only translation editors can approve strings. These editors are always native speakers. And if I’m not mistaken you cannot upload your own po/mo files there.


    Plugin Author Guido


    Hi again,

    I would love to be the PTE for the Czech language.

    I can ask here to make you translation editor for Czech language? Are you also willing to become this for another plugin?

    And if I’m not mistaken you cannot upload your own po/mo files there.

    My mistake, this is possible..


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Guido. Reason: typo
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Guido. Reason: typo
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Guido. Reason: typo
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Guido. Reason: typo

    Hi @guido07111975,

    sure, sign me up.

    I will let you know when it is done.

    Thank you.




    I’ve translated all strings for Icelandic. Can you please approve them? Thanks!

    Plugin Author Guido


    Hi Daniel,

    Thank you very much. I’m not able to approve them, because I’m not a native speaker of your language. We have to wait until a so called translation editor approves them. No idea when this will hapen ??

    If you are willing to become a translation editor for this (and maybe another) plugin, please let me know. No strings attached! This way you can approve strings as well, so Icelandic translation becomes available to the public.


    Hi Guido.

    Thats a shame, I am willing to become a translation editor no problem. Let me know what I need to do.


    Plugin Author Guido


    Hi Daniel,

    I will post a request on the Polyglots page and you will be informed as soons as this request is approved. Then you are translation editor and able to approve strings for my 2 most popular plugins. The other one is VSCF.


    Update: all strings for plugin VSEL are approved already! So when you become translation editor you only have to translate my other plugin. If you’re willing to do that of course.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Guido. Reason: update

    Hi, can you please explain how to enable in polylang. I can understand that I may create an event separate in every language. I’m using German as base language and Startdatum and Enddatum comes for Start date and end date. I tried to set the event in English and/or to set the page in English, but found no way to edit these terms and to change the language. In all pages I have Startdatum and Enddatum.

    Plugin Author Guido



    I don’t have experience with that plugin.

    You can try adding po/mo translation files of each language in the default translation folder: wp-content/languages/plugins
    But you might already have these files in that folder, because they will be auto downloaded from wp.org if your site has that language installed. And if a language is at least 95% translated.

    But you can also export a po and mo file via the translation page. For example, the translation page for German is located here.
    Name the German files: very-simple-event-list-de_DE
    Both files should be uploaded to the folder I mentioned above.

    If everything fails you could hide labels and only display the date itself using a shortcode attribute:

    [vsel date_label="%s"]


    Hi Guido,

    I’m willing to translate everything into Danish which is my native language. I am well educated and very familiar computer & web terms.


    Plugin Author Guido


    Hi Tom,

    Sorry for the late reply. You have an account on this site so you are able to translate my plugin. You can find the page here. You only have to translate the “Development (trunk)” part.

    But the translated strings must be approved by a so called translation editor as well. If you are willing to become a translation editor for this (and maybe another) plugin, please let me know. No strings attached! This way you can approve strings as well, so Danish translation becomes available to the public.



    I am able to approve Danish translations.
    Just let me know, when.

    – Thomas

    Plugin Author Guido


    Hi Thomas,

    Great, I hope @froekjaer (Tom) will start translating soon ??


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