And, eh, can I take another few minutes of your time? Could you translate these missing strings into German for me?
What are you talking about. It’s you who spends many coding hours into this very nice plugin — for no financial reward. So, yes, of course, you can take some of my time. Pleasure.
I’ll do it as soon as possible. I visited your link, the problem is that you have a whole bunch of strings there without context (not your fault, I know). Translating without context info is simply impossible. But I’ll try to do my best, and I’ll try to check out the context for each string, if possible.
I understand. But The ‘error label’ is static, in English:
Please enter the correct number
I cannot display the number there.
So how should I rename that error label?
If I got you right, you have no option to set the variable into the middle of the phrase.
In that case I would do this: “Bitte diese Zahl eingeben: ” The final colon (and the space afterwards) is important!