@tudorp – Sorry to hear that. In this case it was a series of compounding factors, none of which make up for you not hearing back for so long.
First the google pay feature was enabled automatically in an update to one of our ecommerce plugins, we were not aware it was active. This was further compounded by it not being set up properly in Stripe’s end, so that all the details were not passed back to our site during checkout.
Then our team couldn’t actually locate the payment in question as Stripe didn’t have filters to segment a Google Pay payment. Even looking at that payment now it only indicates its a google payment in fine print in the API logs. Otherwise its not easily distinguishable from the other transactions in that period.
We disabled Google Pay as we weren’t prepared to deal with random issues at that time.
Stripe eventually helped us identify that payment and a refund was processed, though your correct, a dispute was file, and further accepted.
Does not make up for the lack of communication but figured you’d like to know the full story. You were the only payment to ever get processed on our sites using Google Pay, gotta say wasn’t great experience for anyone involved out of the box apparently.