Have to agree with EyePhoto on this. It appears that the usage example image on the woothemes blog is completely misleading. Why show an image of what the product can NOT do without further customisation.
At the very least you could include some example CSS in the Other Notes tab to explain to users how to style it.
Also nowhere in the plugin admin or in the installation or FAQ tabs do you indicate the shortcode to use. I went hunting around the plugin admin, then the visual editor to see if you’d added an insert button, then to the woothemes website before finally coming back to the wordpress page and checking the Other Notes tab.
Don’t you think if someone wants to know how to use the plugin they will look in the Installation instructions or FAQ? At the very least you should update the installation tab to include the shortcode example.
I’d also suggest expanding the Other Notes description to provide a couple of examples of using arguments within the shortcode. Any new user who hasn’t seen shortcode arguments before is likely to be extremely confused.
I immensely appreciate WooThemes releasing plugins (I’m a long time subscription member) but it’s frustrating when good plugins are released with poor documentation and misleading images (as on the woothemes blog).