Hi Frank, not sure if clickmac was having the same problem that I had with the latest bbPress but the solution was simple.
The new bbPress has changed the way its roles work and it conflicts with the way Adminimize works. bbPress has had the intention of making their roles dynamic and segregated from WP overall. Which I completely agree with.
The conflict is simple really, let’s say if someone has a WP role which is equal to an Administrator but should be a Moderator on the forums, Adminimize changes for that WP role work fine (as long as you don’t make changes to the bbPress role).
If someone has a WP role which is equal to an Administrator but has a bbPress Keymaster role they suddenly have access to WP like they are Administrators – so changes made in Adminimize are completely ignored.
The solution is simple. Just exclude the bbPress roles from Adminimize in the following functions: _mw_adminimize_get_all_user_roles() and _mw_adminimize_get_all_user_roles_names().
The code was placed before the return of the array:
$user_roles_names = array_diff($user_roles_names, array("Keymaster", "Moderator", "Participant", "Spectator", "Blocked"));
$user_roles = array_diff($user_roles, array("bbp_keymaster", "bbp_moderator", "bbp_participant", "bbp_spectator", "bbp_blocked"));
Adminimize does not need to do anything with those roles at all.
Mind you I have not done full testing on this just yet but so far it works.
Hope it helps.