Hi there!
To assist you better, could you please confirm whether you are referring to the downloadable link that appears on the Order Details page when a customer places an order for a downloadable product? If so, please note that the link style depends on the theme you’re using. If you are seeing the link as text, it means the theme is displaying the downloadable link as text.
However, if you want to show that text link as a button, you can use custom CSS. Currnetly I have style that text link by using the following css code on my site.
a.woocommerce-MyAccount-downloads-file.button {
background-color: #000;
color: #fff;
padding: 5px 10px 10px 10px;
Please note that we do not provide support for customizations.If that does not work for you, I would suggest contacting the theme support and asking them to help you display the download link as a button. They may provide you with the necessary custom CSS code to make the text appear as a button.
Thank you!