thank you for testing the plugin that hard and to find most of the solutions yourself!
Unfortunately, I am not able to reproduce your problems.
I have test pages with two or more models on them and you can navigate both of them independently. Did you specifiy two different values for the “id” parameter? (I think so, because you wouldn’t see one of the models if not).
Here is my code for a sample model and yours on one page:
[3D width=”80%” height=”200″ background=”888888″ opacity=”0″ model=”https://dev.joergviola.de/wp3d/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/RayBanz-HazzBBerry.obj”?material=”https://dev.joergviola.de/wp3d/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/RayBanz-HazzBBerry.mtl”?camera=”350,350,350″ modelPosition=”2,2,2″ modelScale=”1,1,1″ ambient=”888888″ directional=”1,1,0:eeeeee” class=”testclass” style=”width:80%; height: 300px” id=”blabla” fps=10]
[3D width=”80%” height=”200″ background=”dddddd” opacity=”0″ model=”https://dev.joergviola.de/wp3d/wp-content/uploads/1.dae”?camera=”50,50,50″ fov=”20″ modelPosition=”2,2,2″ modelScale=”2,2,2″ ambient=”888888″ directional=”1,1,0:eeeeee” class=”testclass” style=”width:80%; height: 300px” id=”blabla2″ fps=10]
Also, you are right, you do not need the material paramer in case of dae.
Unfortunatly, the DAE-Loader seems not to be able to find the texture file.
Maybe that is correlated to the animation problem.
Are you able to delete animations altogether an re-export the file?
Cheers, Joerg