• Resolved Willibrord


    Nextgen Gallery was years ago a very goog plugin. But after updates it doesn’t work anymore. If you click on Slideshow, you don’t get a slide show but the link sends you back to the top of the page. Also if you click on 1,2 3tc (if you have a lot of pictures in your gallery), the link sends u back to the top of the page. The thumbnails are bigger . So I have now a lot of different sixes and I cannot control it. You do not get an answer from the makers. If you look at this forum, you see why this is a bad overrated plugin. Look for something else.

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  • Plugin Contributor Imagely


    @willibrord – Thanks for your feedback. This does read like a couple of common issues that users have with using the correct settings for the look and behavior they are wanting though.

    I’m not certain what you are referring to with the Slideshow linking to the top of the page as clicking on the Basic Slideshow should advance the image being viewed.

    Your reference to pagination (re: “if you click on 1,2 3tc”) suggests you are looking for Ajax Pagination which can be set within the inserted display’s customizations panel or via the Gallery > Gallery Settings > Basic Thumbnails display type options.

    As to varying thumbnail sizes, yes, we did make a change to the default and as such newer created galleries may have a larger thumbnail than previous defaults as well as newly added images to a gallery may also be affected by the new larger, more easily viewed thumbnail. You can generally correct this by creating new thumbnails for the gallery or galleries being affected under Gallery > Manage Galleries and the global Bulk Actions or individual gallery Bulk Actions feature sets.


    – Cais.

    Thread Starter Willibrord


    Dear Cais
    I was amazed by your answer. So quick and so full of advice.
    I have now 72 galleries on my website and in the administration section I see at the top of the page your advertisement asking for a 5 star ranking.
    I wrote you all my griefs, a month ago and I never received answer.
    That’s one of the reasons why this message was posted.

    the problems:
    At the bottom of the site I have a gallery
    I changed slideshow to “CLICK ON A PICTURE” in Dutch of course.
    If you click on this you go to the top of the page.

    In the middle of this page I have a gallery of 20 paintings.
    Below this you see 1, 2 3.
    Click on 2 > you go to the top of the page.
    In the URL it says page 2. Indeed when you scroll down you see page 2.
    Why does Nextgen goes to the top, better is to go to the gallery 2.

    then control f and typ stroopstoker.
    Below you see the bigger thumbnails.
    They take a lot a space.

    Hoping you can solve this


    Plugin Contributor Imagely


    @willibrord – Thanks for the additional details …

    … for the Basic Thumbnails display at the bottom of the page this is unfortunately the expected behavior as clicking on the link does currently require the page be refreshed; and, we do not have a method to apply the “Ajax Pagination” ideals to that specific link at this time.

    The second URL is the same as the first although this is where our Ajax Pagination will take care of the issue at hand. Please re-open the specific inserted display for these images and set the Ajax Pagination to Yes. It should adjust the issue at hand although you may need to clear the image cache under Gallery > Other Options > Miscellaneous (and possible use an anonymous browser window to see the change immediately).

    I’m not able to find the images as described via your search method although as suggested, you may just need to re-size the gallery in general and/or use the inserted display’s customizations accordion panel to change the thumbnail sizes being displayed.


    – Cais.

    PS: Unfortunately we have no way to connect a topic here to our inbound bug reports / support requests and as such I have no way to track down what may have happened to your earlier request for help a month ago.

    Thread Starter Willibrord


    You answered
    The second URL is the same as the first although this is where our Ajax Pagination will take care of the issue at hand. Please re-open the specific inserted display for these images and set the Ajax Pagination to Yes. It should adjust the issue at hand although you may need to clear the image cache under Gallery > Other Options > Miscellaneous (and possible use an anonymous browser window to see the change immediately).

    I did indeed mailed a wrong link. The good one is:https://warsage.nl/wetenswaardigheden/de-schilderijen-van-paul-servaas-van-wersch-en-harry-van-wersch/

    In the middle you see pictures of paintings. Below 1,2,3. When I click on 2: the page refreshes and goes to the top of the page, not to the second gallery.(only if you scroll down you’ll see the second gallery)
    As instructed i opened the specific gallery, but there is no mentioning of AjAX. This is only mentioned in the general settings. And is says YES. So I cleared the cache. But it still goes to the top of the page.

    Plugin Contributor Imagely


    @willibrord – For existing inserted displays you may need to re-open and edit their settings in the customizations accordion panel of the Insert Gallery Window (IGW) for that specific display. Please have a look at this one in particular. Please also note, if you are using a custom template it may not support Ajax Pagination and as such you might also consider using the default (read: no template specified) template as well.


    – Cais.

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