• This does work on 3.9 and 4.0 despite other comments.

    I come across this plugin when sharing a little snippet of code I use to remove “non-breaking spaces” when pasting from Microsoft Word. (which the normal cleanup, or paste as text, does NOT do)

    Also I normally want bold and italic to not be cleaned from Microsoft Word. It’s a pain in the behind to go over a text on WordPress editor just to apply bold and italic as the original text.

    So I would use:

    $mceInit['paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste']= true;
    $mceInit['paste_remove_styles']= true;
    $mceInit['paste_remove_styles_if_webkit']= true;
    	 		$mceInit['paste_preprocess']='function(pl, o) { o.content=o.content.replace(/\u00A0/g," "); o.content=o.content.replace(/\s+/g," "); }';

    instead of:
    $mceInit['paste_as_text'] = 'true';

    This cleans up formatting (and non-breaking spaces) while keeping bold and italic.


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  • Plugin Author Hugo Baeta


    Hey! Let me try this out and see how it works. If it does things well, I’ll add it to the plugin ??

    Thread Starter Wonderm00n


    Also, I would add this to the tollbar:

    • underline (if you have strikethrough, why not this one?)
    • sub
    • sup (good for x2 stuff and footnotes…)
    • outdent
    • indent (if you have bullist and numlist why not let the user create multiple levels?)
    • charmap (May be usefull)
    • removeformat (If the user messes the formating he can just clean it up instead of trying to undo each one and messing it even worst)

    IMHO, off course.

    This is the full code I normally use for my clients websites:

    function webdados_change_mce_options($mceInit) {
    	//@see https://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Control_reference
    	$mceInit['toolbar1'] = 'formatselect,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,sub,sup,bullist,numlist,outdent,indent,blockquote,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,hr,charmap,link,unlink,removeformat,spellchecker,wp_more,wp_fullscreen';
    	$mceInit['block_formats'] = 'Paragraph=p;Header 2=h2;Header 3=h3';
    	$mceInit['toolbar2'] = '';
    	$mceInit['toolbar3'] = '';
    	$mceInit['toolbar4'] = '';
    	$mceInit['spellchecker_languages'] = '+Portuguese=pt,English=en';
    	//$mceInit['paste_as_text'] = 'true';  //This kills bold and italic
    	$mceInit['paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste']= true;
    	$mceInit['paste_remove_styles']= true;
    	$mceInit['paste_remove_styles_if_webkit']= true;
    	//Replaces newlines with paragraph, removes non-breaking spaces and trims everything
    	$mceInit['paste_preprocess']='function(pl, o) {
    		o.content=o.content.replace(/\u00A0/g," ");
    		o.content=o.content.replace(/\s+/g," ");
    	return $mceInit;
    add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', 'webdados_change_mce_options');
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