very bare Custom Theme, Galleries do not work, lightbox hangs low
I want to make a very simple theme with no elements I do not need and as few as possible i do not understand. At the moment, i do have a style.css, but it is empty.
I got the loop to function, and included nearly all things i want.
Exept: working galleries with a lightbox.with most of the plugins I tested, the lightbox does not work at all.
Clicking the image either links to the attached post or to the file itself. With “simple lightbox”, a lightbox is showing, but hangs at the bottom of the screen.(something weird: I am pretty sure that at some point a plugin named “gallery” worked. This plugin also made some new pages within my theme. Perhaps the reason lies there?)
With all the other themes i have available, the lightboxes work.
The question is thus: what is my very bare theme missing?here is my code:
<head> <?php add_action('wp_head', 'your_function');?> </head> <?php get_sidebar(); ?> <div id="inhalt"> <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Der Verweis (Permalink) zu: <?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2> <div class="beitrags-info">Von <?php the_author_posts_link(); ?> am <?php the_time('d. F Y'); ?> um <?php the_time('H:i'); ?><?php edit_post_link(); ?></div> <div class="der-beitrag"> <?php the_content(); ?> </div> <!-- Ende des jeweiligen Beitrags --> <div class="feedback"> <?php comments_popup_link('Kommentare (0)', 'Kommentare (1)', 'Kommentare (%)'); ?> <p class="postmetadata">Posted in <?php the_category(', '); ?></p> </div> <!-- Ende des jeweiligen Beitrags --> <?php comments_template(); /* Der Kommentarbereich */ ?> <?php endwhile; else: ?> <p>Tut mir leid, es wurde kein passender Beitrag gefunden.</p> <?php endif; ?> <p><?php posts_nav_link(' - ', '? Zurückbl?ttern', 'Weiterbl?ttern ?'); ?></p> </div><!-- /#inhalt --> <?php wp_footer(); ?> </body> </html>
I have a sidebar, but it is very small and i hope no problems can come from there.
my testing page is
Please help me!
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