I’d like to “third” this suggestion. Just to give the problem some validity, this would solve the (seemingly perpetual) problem of “one-off” components in site design: Homepage billboards, rotating elements, and the like. Semantically, these really should be WP Pages, not WP Custom Post Types, since they don’t “clone” or “grow.” There’s only one of each, and the ultimate goal is to tack custom meta properties to each one of these, individually.
The plugin “Simple Fields” can pull this off, but, having tried both, I’m still more attracted to Verve Meta Boxes. Not only does VMB innately support (and retain) crisp, short, meaningful WP Meta Keys, but (more importantly) it supports meta types that SF doesn’t, like Date, that are pretty critical.
So, as soon as this is possible — hooking a unique Verve Box to a single WP Page — then it’ll be a sealed, done deal.