I downloaded the theme, but was not functioning as the model, and the menu was one of the problems, but then what I did, I put the function of the primary menu, and used the same css class
follows the code I used below:
<! – Main Navigation ->
?? <nav id = “side-menu” class = “side-menu-this”>
<? php wp_nav_menu (array (‘menu’ => ‘Menu 1’
‘menu_class’ => ‘sf-menu nav side-menu-nav’
‘menu_id’ => ‘nav’
‘link_before’ => ‘<spam>’,
‘link_after’ => ‘</ spam>’,
)); ?>
<!– code coments–>
<! – / *? <? php
$ header_menu_args = array (
‘theme_location’ => ‘vc-menu,
‘container’ => ”,
‘menu_class’ => ‘sf-menu nav side-menu-nav’
‘menu_id’ => ‘nav’
‘echo’ => true,
‘before’ => ”,
‘after’ => ”,
‘link_before’ => ”,
‘link_after’ => ”,
‘depth’ => 0,
‘walker’ => new vt_description_walker ()
wp_nav_menu (‘Menu 1’);
?> * / ->
<!– code coments–>
?? </ nav>
?? <! – / Main Navigation ->